10 Facts about the First Punic War

One of the three wars between Roman Republic and Ancient Carthage will be explained on Facts about the First Punic War. It took place from 264 until 241 BC. The primary goal of this war was to earn the supremacy. Both were considered the greatest powers during the ancient era. Let us find out other important facts about the First Punic War below:

Facts about the First Punic War 1: the beginning of the war

At the beginning of the First Punic War, Roman Republic only had a small fleet of fighting ships. On the other hand, the great sea power of the western Mediterranean was at the hand of Carthage.

Facts about the First Punic War
Facts about the First Punic War

Facts about the First Punic War 2: the course of the war

The war between the Roman Republic and Ancient Carthage lasted for almost 20 years. The Romans tried to get rid of Carthaginians in Sicily by developing new strategies and naval tactics.

Facts about the First Punic War 3: the end of the war

A treaty ended the First Punic War. However, the Second and Third Punic Wars followed which proved that the treaty was not effective.

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First Punic War Facts
First Punic War Facts

Facts about the First Punic War 4: the name of the war

The name of the war is Punic. It was taken from the Latin word, Punic. It was the Latin name of the Carthaginians. The history of the Carthaginians was from the Phoenician colonists.

Facts about the First Punic War 5: the position of Rome

In the Italian Peninsula, Rome was known as a leading city-state. It was strong, powerful, and rich. The citizen army was successful to expand its territory.

Facts about the First Punic War 6: the power of Roman Republic

Roman Republic was powerful for many rivals were defeated. Their regions were incorporated into Rome. The Italian peninsula was secured by the Romans during the initial stage of First Punic War.

Facts about the First Punic War 7: the position of Carthage

Carthage was a republic, which dominated the western Mediterranean Sea in term of economy, military and politics.  It had great navy power.

First Punic War Map
First Punic War Map

Facts about the First Punic War 8: the land warfare

The First Punic War was mostly conducted in naval warfare. The land warfare came second due to the difficult terrain in Sicily.

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Facts about the First Punic War 9: the army of Carthage

The army of Carthage consisted of 60 elephants, 6,000 cavalry and 50,000 infantry based on the report of historian Philinus.

First Punic War
First Punic War

Facts about the First Punic War 10: the Corvus

The Corvus was a special boarding device on the new ships of the Romans to support their lack of experience in naval battle.

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